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Próximo exámen: 2023

Calendario para la participación en el EPU en el ciclo actual

Fase del Exameni
From the date of the Working Group session until the Adoption outcome report (approximately 4- 6 months)
Fase de Seguimientoi
Approximately 3 years starting from the Adoption of the outcome reports
Consultas Nacionales y Fase de Redaccióni
1 year before the next Working Group
Fase de Abogacíai
From the submission of Other Stakeholders reports until Working group session (approximately 7 months).
Grupo de Trabajo del EPU
Adopción del Informe de Resultados
Plazo de entrega del informe de las partes interesadas
Plazo de entrega del informe Nacional
Pre Sesiones
Grupo de Trabajo del EPU

Documentos Oficiales OACNUDH

Informe nacional

Informe nacional


Recopilación de la informaciones de las NU

Recopilación de la informaciones de las NU


Resumen de información de los otros interlocutores pertinentes

Resumen de información de los otros interlocutores pertinentes


Sociedad civil y otros informes

Sociedad civil y otros informes

Adalah - Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
AI - Amnesty International
Broken Chalk - The Stichting Broken Chalk
Ceasefire - Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights
CIHRS - Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies
CPTI-IFOR - Conscience and Peace Tax International
DCIP - Defense for Children International - Palestin
ECLJ - European Centre for Law and Justice
FLD - Front Line Defenders - The International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
HRW - Human Rights Watch
ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
ICO - International Communities Organisation
IETM - IMAGINE empowerment through music
IFOR - International Fellowship of Reconciliation
IHRC_ - The Islamic Human Rights Commission
IWN - Israel Women's Network
JAI - Just Atonement Inc
JS1 - Joint Submission 1
JS2 - Joint Submission 2
JS3 - Joint Submission 3
JS4 - Joint Submission 4
JS6 - Joint Submission 6
JS7 - Joint Submission 7
JS8 - Joint Submission 8
JS9 - Joint Submission 9
Kayan Feminist - Kayan - Palestinian Feminist Organization
MAAT - Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights
NGO Monitor - Institute for NGO Research
No acronym - BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights
ODVV - Organization for Defending Victim of Violence
PICHR - Palestine Independent Commission for Human Rights
SAR - Scholars at Risk Network
WS - Women's Spirit – Financial Independence for Women Survivors of Violence

Agencias de la ONU informes

OSRSG-CAAC - Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict (OSRSG-CAAC)

Materiales de la Sociedad Civil

Intervenciones en la Pre-sesión

Intervenciones en la Pre-sesión

Al Haq Presentation Pre-session 43 Israel
Al Mezan Center Presentation Pre-session 43 Israel
Al Mezan, Al-Haq, Adalah— Statement Pre-session 43 Israel
Al-Haq,Al Mezan, Addameer, and Community Action Centre Statement Pre-session 43 Israel
Maa'varim Presentation Pre-session 43 Israel
Maa'varim Statement Pre-session 43 Israel
Mersavot Network Presentation Pre-session 43 Israel
Mersavot Network Statement Pre-session 43 Israel
PCATI Presentation Pre-session 43 Israel
PCATI Statement Pre-session 43 Israel
Women's Spirit Presentation Pre-session 43 Israel
Women's Spirit Statement Pre-session 43 Israel

Documentación para las ONGs

Hojas informativas

Human rights situation in the Gaza Strip
LGBTQI Rights Pre-session 43 Israel
Women’s Spirit - Financial Independence for Women Survivors of Abuse


Informe medio plazo de la sociedad civil y otros

JS5 - Joint Submission 5

Documentos Oficiales OACNUDH

Informe nacional

Informe nacional


Anexo Informe Nacional


Recopilación de la informaciones de las NU

Recopilación de la informaciones de las NU


Resumen de información de los otros interlocutores pertinentes

Resumen de información de los otros interlocutores pertinentes


Sociedad civil y otros informes

ONG informes

AccessNow - Access Now
Adalah - Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
Addameer - Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
ADF International - ADF International
AI - Amnesty International
Al-Haq - Al-Haq, Law in the Service of Man
Al-Marsad - Al-Marsad - Arab Human Rights Centre in the Golan Heights
Alkarama - Alkarama Foundation
APGXXIII - Association "Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII"
Badil - Rania MADI
DCI - Defence for Children International
EAFORD - International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD)
ECPAT International - ECPAT International
FLD - Front Line Defenders - The International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
GICJ - Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)
HRA-NGO - Human Rights Alert (NGO)
HRW - Human Rights Watch
JS1 - Joint Submission 1
JS2 - Joint Submission 2
JS3 - Joint Submission 3
JS4 - Joint Submission 4
JS5 - Joint Submission 5
JS6 - Joint Submission 6
JS7 - Joint Submission 7
JS8 - Joint Submission 8
MAP - Medical Aid for Palestinians
MCW - Military Court Watch
Meezaan - Meezaan Center for Human Rights- Nazareth
ODVV - Organization for Defending Victim of Violence
PHRI - Physicians for Human Rights–Israel
SAR - Scholars at Risk Network

Anexo ONG sumisión

ECPAT International - ECPAT International

Agencias de la ONU informes

UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Examen del Grupo de trabajo

Informe del Grupo de trabajo (borrador)


Preguntas escritas anticipadas

Questions written in advance

Adopción en sesión plenaria

Informe del Grupo de trabajo (definitivo)




Informe de la sesión del CDH


Declaración oral autres partidos interesados (adopción)

Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies
Civicus- World Alliance for Citizen Participation
International Fellowship of Reconciliation
Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture
Womens International League for Peace and Freedom
World Jewish Congres


Documents diversos

Letter from OHCHR on Implementation in 3rd Cycle

Documentos Oficiales OACNUDH

Informe nacional

Informe nacional


Recopilación de la informaciones de las NU

Recopilación de la informaciones de las NU


Corrigendum Recompilación


Resumen de información de los otros interlocutores pertinentes

Resumen de información de los otros interlocutores pertinentes


Corrigendum Resumen

A/HRC/WG.6/15/ISR/3 - Corr. 1

Sociedad civil y otros informes

ONG informes

ACPG23 - Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII
AI - Amnesty International
Al Mezan - Al Mezan Center for Human Rights
Al Mezan - Al Mezan Center for Human Rights - Annex
Al-Haq Law in the Service of Man
Arab NGO Network for Development
BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights
CIVICUS - World Alliance for Citizen Participation
DCI - Defence for Children International Palestine
Front line Defender
GIEACPC - Global Initiative End All Corporal Punishment of Children
HRA - Human Rights Alert
HRC - Hebron Rehabilitation Committee
HRW - Human Rights Watch
ICAHD - The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions
ICJ - International Commission of Jurists
IDMC - Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
IHRC - Islamic Human Rights Commission
Ir Amim
Joint Submission 01
Joint Submission 02
Joint Submission 03
Joint Submission 04
Mossawa Center The Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens of Israel
NCF - Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality
NGO Monitor
ODVV - Organization for Defending Victims of Violence
PCATI - Public Committee Against Torture in Israel
PCHR - Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
RWB - Reporters Without Borders

Anexo ONG sumisión

Al Mezan - Al Mezan Center for Human Rights - Annex

Agencias de la ONU informes

CRC - The Committee on the Rights of the Child
SR - Special Rapporteur on adequate housing
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Examen del Grupo de trabajo

Informe del Grupo de trabajo (borrador)


Preguntas escritas anticipadas

Advance written questions

Preguntas escritas anticipadas adiciónales

Advance written questions

Adopción en sesión plenaria

Informe del Grupo de trabajo (definitivo)



A/HRC/25/15/Add.1 - Annex

Anexo Adición

A/HRC/25/15/Add.1 - Annex

Informe de la sesión del CDH

A/HRC/25/2: Report of the Human Rights Council on its twenty-fifth session

Declaración oral del Estado examinado (adopción)

Letter from Israel read by HRC President

Declaración oral autres partidos interesados (adopción)

Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch
International Association of Jewish Lawyers
International Commission of Jurists
International Federation of Human Rights Leagues
Touro Institute on Human Rights and Holocaust
UN Watch

Declaración escrita de los otros interlocutores pertinentes (adopción)

Arab NGO Network for Development
Iranian Elite Research Center
Iranian Elite Research Centre
Joint statement by the Arab NGO Network for Development and the Palestinian NGO Network

Documentos Oficiales OACNUDH

Informe nacional

Informe nacional


Recopilación de la informaciones de las NU

Recopilación de la informaciones de las NU


Resumen de información de los otros interlocutores pertinentes

Resumen de información de los otros interlocutores pertinentes


Sociedad civil y otros informes

INDH informes

Independent Commission for Human Rights

ONG informes

Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association
Al Marsad
Amnesty International
Asociación Papa Giovanni XXIII
Asociación Papa Giovanni XXIII - Annex 1
BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights (Joint Submission)
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions
Child Rights Information Network (Joint Submission)
Child Rights Information Network (Joint Submission) - Annex 1
Child Rights Information Network (Joint Submission) - Annex 2
Child Rights Information Network (Joint Submission) - Annex 3
Child Rights Information Network (Joint Submission) - Annex 4
Child Rights Information Network (Joint Submission) - Annex 5
Civic Coalition to Defend Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem (Joint Submission)
Conscience and Peace Tax International
Defense for Children International
Federacion de Acociaciones de Defensa y Promocion de los Derechos Humanos
Human Rights Watch
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
International Commission of Jurists
International Complaints Commission
Israeli Women’s Network
Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center
Kav LaOved
Mandela Institute for Human Rights
NGO Monitor
NGO Monitor - Annex 1
NGO Monitor - Annex 2
Nord Sud XXI
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel - Annex 1
Reporters sans Frontières
Right to Education Campaign (Joint Submission)
Right to Education Campaign (Joint Submission) - Annex 1
Right to Education Campaign (Joint Submission) - Annex 2
Right to Education Campaign (Joint Submission) - Annex 3
Right to Education Campaign (Joint Submission) - Annex 4
World Vision & Save the Children UK (Joint Submission)

Anexo ONG sumisión

Asociación Papa Giovanni XXIII - Annex 1
Child Rights Information Network (Joint Submission) - Annex 1
Child Rights Information Network (Joint Submission) - Annex 2
Child Rights Information Network (Joint Submission) - Annex 3
Child Rights Information Network (Joint Submission) - Annex 4
Child Rights Information Network (Joint Submission) - Annex 5
NGO Monitor - Annex 1
NGO Monitor - Annex 2
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel - Annex 1
Right to Education Campaign (Joint Submission) - Annex 1
Right to Education Campaign (Joint Submission) - Annex 2
Right to Education Campaign (Joint Submission) - Annex 3
Right to Education Campaign (Joint Submission) - Annex 4

Agencias de la ONU informes

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugee in the Near East (Main Submission)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugee in the Near East (Main Submission) - Annex 1
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugee in the Near East (Main Submission) - Annex 2
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugee in the Near East (Main Submission) - Annex 3

Anexo Agencias ONU

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugee in the Near East (Main Submission) - Annex 1
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugee in the Near East (Main Submission) - Annex 2
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugee in the Near East (Main Submission) - Annex 3

Examen del Grupo de trabajo

Informe del Grupo de trabajo (borrador)


Preguntas escritas anticipadas

Advanced written questions

Preguntas escritas anticipadas adiciónales

Advanced written questions

Adopción en sesión plenaria

Informe del Grupo de trabajo (definitivo)


Informe de la sesión del CDH

A/HRC/10/29 - Extract related to Israel only
A/HRC/10/29: Report of the Human Rights Council on its tenth session

Declaración oral del Estado examinado (adopción)

Statement by Israel

Declaración oral autres partidos interesados (adopción)

African-American Society For Humanitarian Aid And Development (ASHAD)
Amnesty International (AI)
Arab Commission For Human Rights (ACHR)
Cairo Institute For Human Rights Studies
Charitable Institute For Protecting Social Victims
Conscience And Peace Tax International (CPTI)
Organization For Defending Victims Of Violence (ODVV)
Society Studies Centre (SSC)
The World Federation Of United Nations Associations (WFUNA)


Mid-term Implementation Assessment

UPR Info's Mid-term implementation Assessment